· development · 3 min read

Salesforce Apex Date Class Guide

The Date class provides methods to create and manipulate dates. It allows you to perform operations such as adding or subtracting days, obtaining the day of the week and formatting dates as strings.

The Date class in Apex provides methods to create, manipulate, and format dates.

The Date class provides methods to create, manipulate, and compare dates. It allows you to perform operations such as adding or subtracting days, obtaining the day of the week, comparing dates for equality or ordering, and formatting dates as strings.


The Date class in Apex provides methods to create, manipulate, and format dates.

Some of the common operations that can be performed using the Apex Date class include:

  • Creating Date instances: You can create a Date object by specifying the year, month, and day using the Date.newInstance(year, month, day) method.
  • Extracting components: The Date class allows you to extract individual components of a date such as year, month, and day using methods like year(), month(), and day().
  • Manipulating dates: Apex provides methods to perform various operations on dates, such as adding or subtracting days using addDays() method, finding the difference between two dates using daysBetween(), and more.
  • Formatting dates: The Date class includes methods like format() to convert a Date object into a formatted String representation based on the specified format or the user’s locale.

Apex Date Methods

Let’s take a look at the Apex Date methods.


The addDays method lets you add days and subtract days of a date.

The subtraction can be done by providing negative numbers.

Date addDays(Integer additionalDays))
Increases the Date by the specified number of days.
Input parameter
  • additionalDays (Integer): The number of days to add to the date.
Return value
  • Date: The new date increased by the given number of days.
Date today = Date.today();
Date tomorrow = today.addDays(1);


The addMonths method lets you add months and subtract months of a date.

The subtraction can be done by providing negative numbers.

Date addMonths(Integer additionalMonths))
Increases the Date by the specified number of months.
Input parameter
  • additionalMonths (Integer): The number of months to add to the date.
Return value
  • Date: The new date increased by the given number of months.
Date today = Date.today();
Date nextMonth = today.addMonths(1);


The addYears method lets you add years and subtract years of a date.

The subtraction can be done by providing negative numbers.

Date addYears(Integer additionalYears))
Increases the Date by the specified number of years.
Input parameter
  • additionalYears (Integer): The number of years to add to the date.
Return value
  • Date: The new date increased by the given number of years.
Date today = Date.today();
Date inTenYears = today.addYears(10);


To just get the day in the month of a date as a number, use the day method .

Integer day())
Returns the day of the month from a Date.
Return value
  • Integer: The day of the month from this Date.
Date xmas = Date.newInstance(2023,12,24);


To just get the day in the year of a date as a number, use the dayOfYear method .

Integer dayOfYear())
Returns the day of the year from a Date.
Return value
  • Integer: The day of the year from this Date.
Date xmas = Date.newInstance(2023,12,24);


Need to find out how much days are between two dates? Use the daysBetween method.

Integer daysBetween(Date secondDate))
Calculates the number of days between the Date that invoked the method and the specified date.
Return value
  • Integer: The number of days between the Date that invoked the method and the specified date.
Date xmas = Date.newInstance(2023,12,24);
Date sylvester = Date.newInstance(2023,12,31);


To get the number of days in a month in a concrete year and month use the daysInMonth method.

static Integer daysInMonth(Integer year, Integer month))
Determines the total number of days in the specified month and year.
Input parameter
  • year (Integer): The year for which the number of days in month are requested.
  • month (Integer): The month for which the number of days in month are requested. (where 1 represents January, 2 February ..)
Return value
  • Integer: The number of days for the given month in the given year.


To get the date as a string in the format of your locale, you can simply call the format method.

String format())
Converts the Date into a string representation using the locale of the current user context.
Return value
  • Date: The Date in a string representation using the locale of the current user context.


Provide a year and find out, if it is a leap year or not.

static Boolean isLeapYear(Integer year))
It returns true if the specified year is a leap year.
Input parameter
  • year (Integer): The year for that could be a leap year or not.
Return value
  • Boolean: True, if the given date is a leap year, fasle if not.


Are two dates at the same day? You can find out by using the isSameDay method.

Boolean isSameDay(Date dateToCompare))
It returns true if the specified year is a leap year.
Input parameter
  • dateToCompare (Date): The date that might be on the same day as this date.
Return value
  • Boolean: True, if this date is on the same day s the date to compare, fasle if not.
Date xmas = Date.newInstance(2023,12,24);
Date xmas2 = Date.newInstance(2023,12,24);
Date sylvester = Date.newInstance(2023,12,31);



To just get the month of a date as a number, use the month method .

Integer month())
It returns the month of the date.
Return value
  • Boolean: Month of the date. (where 1 represents January, 2 February ..)
Date xmas = Date.newInstance(2023,12,24);


Need to find out how much month are between two dates? Use the monthsBetween method.

Integer monthsBetween(Date secondDate))
Calculates the number of months between the Date that invoked the method and the specified date.
Return value
  • Integer: The number of months between the Date that invoked the method and the specified date.
Date xmas = Date.newInstance(2023,12,24);
Date sylvester = Date.newInstance(2024,12,31);


Create a date by providing year, month and day as number.

static Date newInstance(Integer year, Integer month, Integer day))
Creates a Date object using integer representations of the year, month (where 1 represents January), and day.
Return value
  • Date: The date for of the given year, month and day.
Date xmas = Date.newInstance(2023,12,24);


Convert a string to a date.

static Date parse(String stringDate))
Constructs a Date from a String. The format of the String depends on the local date format.
Input parameter
  • stringDate (String): The string that should be parsed to a date.
Return value
  • Date: The result of parsing the string to date. (Working string formats depend on your local.)


Get the date of today.

static Date today())
Returns the date for today.
Return value
  • Date: Today's date.


Get the first day of the month.

Date toStartOfMonth())
Returns a date for the first day of the month of this date.
Return value
  • Date: A date for the first day of the month of this date.
Date xmas = Date.newInstance(2023,12,24);
Date beginOfMonth = Date.newInstance(2023,12,1);



Get the first day of the week.

Date toStartOfWeek())
Retrieves the starting day of the week for the Date that invoked the method, based on the locale of the current user context.
Return value
  • Date: The starting day of the week for the Date that invoked the method, based on the locale of the current user context.
Date xmas = Date.newInstance(2023,12,24);
Date beginOfWeek = Date.newInstance(2023,12,18);



Get the date for a string.

static Date valueOf(String stringDate))
Constructs a Date object that represents the value contained in the specified String.
Input parameter
  • stringDate (String): The string that should be used to create a date.
Return value
  • Date: The result of converting the string to date.
Date xmas = Date.newInstance(2023,12,24);



To just get the year of a date as a number, use the year method .

Integer year())
It returns the year of the date.
Return value
  • Boolean: Year of the date.
Date xmas = Date.newInstance(2023,12,24);
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